Hi folks,
My goodness, I have been the biggest slacker this summer when it comes to blogging. With the wedding prep, event planning, my full time job and watching our house go up I have very little time for anything else.
That said I am going to attempt to break my bad habit and get back into the swing of things! First thing first, wedding hair. I have had a reoccuring dream since I got engaged that it's the day of my wedding and I'm late because I don't have a hair or makeup appointment. For those of you that know me you know this is a true nightmare in my world. Now I need your help deciding on an up-do for my wedding. My dress has a lot of detail up top so I'm thinking putting it all up or at least the majority up is best. Let me know which picture you like best.
I found all the pictures on Pinterest, where else!
Enjoy the Party,
Nicole :)
I think the first one is a bit busy, but I like the other two! you're gonna look gorgeous no matter what!