Friday, December 9, 2011

1 More Sleep...

Ladies & Gents, the wedding is TOMORROW and then we're off to Italy and Paris for two weeks. Until then.....

VIA Etsy

I hope you all have a fabulous and safe holiday season!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Wedding...

Words I plan to live by on Saturday!

VIA Hello World

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Your Holiday Party Inspiration

I hope your Tuesday is treating you well! I'm super busy as you can imagine so I thought I'd keep this post short and sweet.

Check out these great holiday event ideas and fall in love with them as much as I have.

VIA The Cake Blog

VIA Pinterest

Wasn't I right, aren't these fabulous!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Up, Up & Away!

Well, it's finally here, the week of the wedding! I cannot believe it's here and to be honest, it hasn't hit me yet. Michael thinks it will hit him at our rehearsal on Wednesday, we'll see.

In keeping with the party, event, happy theme of my week I thought I'd do a post on balloons today. I've recently become very infatuated with balloons and think you should too.

The balloons along with the streamers are just fabulous if you ask me! VIA Geronimo Balloons

VIA Pinterest
 How lovely would this be at a New Years Eve party? I am totally doing this!

VIA Bayside Balloons

VIA 8foot6

VIA M and J Sherry
How great would this be for a bridal shower?
Lastly, my personal favourite because the party was for moi... The balloons from my bachelorette party.

So, what do you think? Will you be adding balloons to your next event?

Friday, December 2, 2011

Recipe Friday... Adult Rootbeer Floats

I cannot believe it's already Friday, this week has flown by. Does anyone have anything fun planned for the weekend? I'll be working on our house and wedding stuff this weekend - it's crunch time!

I stumbled upon this while on Creative Culinary's blog and I just had to share it. The whole post is amazing but the float is what stood out to me.

As a kid I was a big fan of a rootbeer float and as an adult I wouldn't turn one down, especially if it had vodka in it!

Who in their right mind would say no this?

For the full recipe and how to please click here.

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Honeymoon Trends

Some of you may know, Michael are I are off to Rome, Florence, Venice and Paris for our honeymoon starting December 12th and let me just say, we can't wait! As much fun as all this family time, wedding planning and so on has been, we can't wait to be in Europe for Christmas and enjoy our honeymoon.

Michael and I both good shoppers, we like to do it and do it well. We do want to spend some time finding pieces for our hosue while we're away but it's Europe, we're going to be scoping out the fashion.

I was on the Elle website and thought these trends were fabulous, worth sharing and worth checking out while in Europe.

Hail, Victoria is what the Elle site classified this on as. What stands out to me and what I love is how feminine these looks are and all the lace. I'm a sucker for lace!

Mod Squad. I love the lines of these pieces and how chic they all are. Looks I'd definitely love to try.

Well Suited. I bought a pair of pants last winter - high waisted, black, simlar to the above. I'd love to add pieces to them and make it a suite. I think it's a fabulous look, very fierce!

What do you think? Looks you're going to try this season?