Tuesday night I made a delicious dinner if I do say so myself that I thought I'd share. It's super healthy and delicious, what more could you ask for?
Directions / Recipe:
- Defrost chicken breasts. I used 4 medium size breasts.
- Place in frying pan and squish a can of tomoatoes on top. I buy these tomatoes for pizza sauce, pasta sauce and now this!
- Spice with oregano, basil, salt, pepper and chili flakes. M & I like spicy food, if you are more cautious when it comes to spice be careful not to add to many chilil flakes.
- Cook in a frying pan covered on the stove until chicken is ready.
- I made a couple pieces of broccoli to go with it. Just boil some water, drop the broccoli in for a few minutes. You don't want mushy broccoli so be sure you don't cook it too long. Strain it, drizzle some olive oil over it (lemon is healthier and delicious), a little salt and pepper and you're done!
I know this is a horrible picture but I was starving and it's the best I have to offer.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend! We're off to a family friends tonight for dinner and having some people over tomorrow.
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