Monday, August 29, 2011

Marriage Proposals....

On Friday my best friend got engaged to her long time, wonderful boyfriend and I couldn't be more thrilled for them! He proposed in such a perfect, romantic and thoughtful way that it got me thinking about proposals and how they're all amazing!

How did you get engaged? Were you surprised? Did you have a say in your gorgeous ring?

Michael surprised me in Punta Cana while on a family trip over Christmas two years ago and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect proposal!

Enjoy the Party,

Nicole :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fun Accent Pieces

As I drive past our house every day I think about fun pieces I want to add to make our house feel like a home. Isn't it so, we all want our homes to feel lived in and loved? I'm a big believer in this which I was my eyes are always open for fun, unique accent pieces.

Here are a few that I love:

Via Pinterest

Via Sally Lee by the Sea

Via Pinterest

Via Pinterest

What type of accent pieces do you have incorporated into your home?

Enjoy the Party,

Nicole :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

My Fascination With Wreaths

I have recently fallen in love with wreaths of all different shapes, sizes and colours. Shannon from What's Up Whimsy did a post that you can find here on a Pom Pom Wreath that I just love. I'd found some other wreaths that I think are fabulous too!
Via Mrs. Priss

Via Pinterest

Via Pinterest

Which one is your favourite? Do you hang different wreaths for different seasons?

Enjoy the Party,

Nicole :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fruit Cones - Part 2

Back in July I did a post that you can find here on fruit cones. At the engagement party on Saturday I created the fruit cones as part of the dessert and they were a huge success, everyone loved them! I was worried they would get soggy really fast or fall apart but they didn't.

I put watermelon, raspberries, cherries, peaches, blue berries and melon in the cones. Let me know what type of fruit you try.

Enjoy the Party,

Nicole :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Neat decor ideas

On Saturday Lipstik Events hosted an engagement party for a fabulous couple. The event was fun and a big success! I thought I'd share a picture of the floral arrangments I created for the engagement party.

Flowers for the engagement party on August 13th

A few weeks ago was my first bridal shower and I wanted to show you all some pictures of the added touches we did to make the event fabulous!

Enjoy the Party,

Nicole :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Recipe Friday... Fruit Infused Liquor

Lipstik is hosting an engagement party tomorrow for a fabulous couple so I'm going to make this post short, sweet and yummy!

Check out this fruit infused liquor I found on Bon Appetit. How neat would this be as a house warming gift, drinks for your party or just a Saturday evening! Make sure you click on the link for details.

Enjoy the Party,

Nicole :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Three and a Half Months

Everything is starting to come together... finally! Michael and I are having a two year engagement which makes this whole process painfully long. Almost every person I know who has got engaged after us is getting married before us. It's really not fair!

Four months yesterday is our wedding day and in three and a half months yesterday our house closes! Watching our house go up is making everything seem very real and exciting.

Check out the progress:

As long as the portable toilet is gone when we move in I'll be a happy camper.

Enjoy the Party,

Nicole :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wedding Cake

One of the last things I have to book for the wedding is a wedding cake. I'm not a fan of cake which is why I've been putting this off. If I had my way I wouldn't have one but apparently that's faux pas so I'm having one.

Side note, I said "I" or "I'm" a lot in that sentence, I must remember this is Michael's wedding too, oops!
Anyways back to wedding cakes. I've found a few pretty cakes that I'd like your opinion on.

Via The Perfect Palette

Via Style Me Pretty

Via My Sweet and Saucy

Via Pinterest
Thanks for your feedback.

Enjoy the Party,


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bathroom Lovin'

On Sunday Michael and I ventured out to finish our wedding registry. While it was all fun and good I was super indecisive it was embarrassing. I kept on asking Michael to scan something and then delete, scan delete scan delete - it was a weird game.

My big indecisiveness came when picking our bathroom accessories. I can't figure out what to do or what I want them to look like. I'm having an extra hard time because all 3 of our bathrooms are currently nails and wood which makes it hard to envision.

I've found these pictures to draw inspiration from. Let me know your thoughts on them.

Via 6th street design school

Via Everything LEB


Via Houzz

Via Smallrooms
So what is your favourite and why?

Enjoy the Party,


Monday, August 8, 2011

Wedding Hair

Hi folks,

My goodness, I have been the biggest slacker this summer when it comes to blogging. With the wedding prep, event planning, my full time job and watching our house go up I have very little time for anything else.

That said I am going to attempt to break my bad habit and get back into the swing of things! First thing first, wedding hair. I have had a reoccuring dream since I got engaged that it's the day of my wedding and I'm late because I don't have a hair or makeup appointment. For those of you that know me you know this is a true nightmare in my world. Now I need your help deciding on an up-do for my wedding. My dress has a lot of detail up top so I'm thinking putting it all up or at least the majority up is best. Let me know which picture you like best.

I found all the pictures on Pinterest, where else!

Enjoy the Party,

Nicole :)